

pre·ma·tureadj. /ˈpremətʃə(r)/

1.happening before the normal or expected time 未成熟的;过早的;提前的

his premature death at the age of 37 他37岁时早逝

2.( of a birth or a baby 生产或婴儿 ) happening or being born before the normal length of pregnancyhas been completed 早产的

The baby was four weeks premature. 这个婴儿早产了四周。

a premature birth after only thirty weeks 怀孕仅三十周的早产

3.happening or made too soon 草率的;仓促的

a premature conclusion/decision/judgement 草率的结论╱决定╱判断

•It is premature to talk about success at this stage. 现阶段就谈成功尚为时过早。


pre·ma·ture·ly adv

· The child was born prematurely. 这孩子是早产的。

· Her hair became prematurely white. 她的头发过早地苍白了。

ma·teri·al·izev. /məˈtɪəriəlaɪz/

( Bre also -ise)

[ V]

( usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句 ) to take place or start to exist as expected or planned 实现;发生;成为现实

The promotion he had been promised failed to materialize. 答应给他晋升的许诺未能实现。

2. to appear suddenly and/or in a way that cannot be explained 突然显现;神奇地出现

A tall figure suddenly materialized at her side. 一个高高的身影突然出现在她的身边。

( informal )

The train failed to materialize (= it did not come) . 列车始终没有来。


ma·teri·al·iza·tion , -isa·tion [ U] /məˌtɪəriəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ /məˌtɪəriəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ n

direadj. /ˈdaɪə(r)/


[ usually before noun] ( formal ) very serious 极其严重的;危急的

living in dire poverty 生活赤贫

•dire warnings/threats 严重的警告╱威胁

Such action may have dire consequences . 这种行为可能产生严重后果。

We're in dire need of your help. 我们急需你的帮助。

The firm is in dire straits (= in a very difficult situation) and may go bankrupt. 这家公司已陷入极度困境之中,可能会破产。

2. ( BrE informal ) very bad 极糟的;极差的

The acting was dire. 这表演糟透了。

· stretch /strɛtʃ/

o 1. V-I Something that stretches over an area or distance covers or exists in the whole of that area or distance. 延伸

• The procession stretched for several miles.游行队伍延伸了数英里。

o 2. N-COUNT A stretch of road, water, or land is a length or area of it. 一段

• It's a very dangerous stretch of road.这是一段非常危险的路。

o 3. V-T/V-I When you stretch, you put your arms or legs out straight and tighten your muscles. 伸直

• He yawned and stretched.他打了个哈欠,伸了伸腰。

• Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards.试着伸直双腿并向上拉拉脚趾。

o 4. N-COUNT Stretch is also a noun. 伸展

• At the end of a workout spend time cooling down with some slow stretches.在健身的末尾花时间用一些缓慢的伸展来做缓和。

o 5. N-COUNT A stretch of time is a period of time. 一段 (时间)

• ...after an 18-month stretch in the army.…在部队呆了18个月后。

o 6. V-I If something stretches from one time to another, it begins at the first time and ends at the second, which is longer than expected. 持续

• ...a working day that stretches from seven in the morning to eight at night.…从早上7点持续到晚上8点的一个工作日。

o 7. V-I If a group of things stretch from one type of thing to another, the group includes a wide range of things. 涉及

• ...a trading empire, with interests that stretched from chemicals to sugar.…一个兴趣范围从化学品到食糖的贸易帝国。

o 8. V-T/V-I When something soft or elastic stretches or is stretched, it becomes longer or bigger as well as thinner, usually because it is pulled. 有弹性

• The cables are designed not to stretch.这些缆绳被设计成没有弹性。

o 9. V-T/V-I If you stretch an amount of something or if it stretches, you make it last longer than it usually would by being careful and not wasting any of it. 俭省

• They're used to stretching their budgets.他们习惯于精打细算。

o 10. V-T If something stretches your money or resources, it uses them up so you have hardly enough for your needs. 耗尽 (钱或资源)

• The drought there is stretching resources.那里的干旱正在耗尽财力物力。

o 11. V-T If you say that a job or task stretches you, you mean that you like it because it makes you work hard and use all your energy and skills so that you do not become bored or achieve less than you should. 使充分发挥

• I'm trying to move on and stretch myself with something different.我正试图换个工作,使自己在不同的事情上得到充分发挥。

o 12. PHRASE If you say that something is not true or possible by any stretch of the imagination, you are emphasizing that it is completely untrue or absolutely impossible. 无论如何想像

• Her husband was not a womanizer by any stretch of the imagination.她的丈夫无论如何想像也不会是个玩弄女性的人。

· draw in

o PHRASAL VERB If you draw someone in or draw them into something you are involved with, you cause them to become involved with it. 使参与

• It won't be easy for you to draw him in.你要把他拉进来可不容易。
